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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Santa Clarita 34th Safest City!

According to Morgan Quitno Press' 13th annual safest city list, Santa Clarita is now the 34th safest city in the country with a population of 75,000 or more for the year 2005. This is a move up from the 2004 ranking of 36th safest.

Santa Clarita is however the 4th safest city when it comes to cities which have a population of 150,000 or more. The report that Quitno publishes on an annual basis is misleading according to some local SCV officials. One reason being that it is not necessarily fair to compare a city with about 180,000 citizens (Santa Clarita) to a city with about 100,000. Furthermore, crime that does occur in Santa Clarita is reportedly quite often perpetrated by individuals that live outside of Santa Clarita (ie Antelope Valley or Los Angeles). Which puts us at a disadvantage simply because of our proximity to much larger and more dangerous cities.

Normal crime and serious crime, does happen in Santa Clarita. While we all enjoy the local outdoors and feel much safer than those in other nearby cities...Its important to remember that you should always be aware of your surroundings and to not let your guard down, simply because we are the "34th" safest city in America.

Our city is SAFER than yours! Time to buy a home in a better neighborhood? =)

Call Robert @ 661 373 2374 for all you real estate needs or questions about the Santa Clarita Valley.

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