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Monday, April 24, 2006

Smiser Mule Ranch to become Residential and Business Oasis

Upon entering the Santa Clarita Valley heading north on the I-5 freeway, you will notice to your right a 37 acre parcel of land where mules used to roam. I fondly remember, being in my Grandpa and Grandma's house on Wabuska St (right next to the Ranch in the Kelton Estates) hearing the reigns of these mules jingling heading on their way to the local Thrifty's shopping center (now Rite Aid) with Santa steering them from behind. They even made appearances at the Tournament of Roses parade. However those days are gone, and you don't see roaming mules, grazing cows, or onion fields in Santa Clarita anymore.

Jay and Joyce Rodgers, co-owners of Monteverde Development Co. Plan on changing things up on that piece land, quite a bit actually. You may one day see a 10 story high hotel glaring into the sky, with residential condos, shopping, restaurants, and a fitness center below. It is a new community they are tentatively calling The Commons. The Commons is set to be one of the new mixed-use developments that the City of Santa Clarita is starting to look keenly at. Another such development nearing approval is the Soledad Village community located off of Soledad Canyon Rd across and just east of the Saugus Speedway.

While nothing has been set in stone, and no leases have been signed as far as I am aware, this potential 600,000-square-foot business and retail center featuring a hotel; upscale shops, including a two-story anchor store; restaurants, a fitness center and 1,000 condos is sure to make for an attractive stop for those passing by north and south on the I-5. Something like this will probably be welcomed by those at City Hall mainly because it will make the best use out of the land and additionaly will be sure to divert local money away from the Stevenson Ranch shopping center located off of The Old Road which sends it's sales tax dollars directly to the Los Angeles County cougher. When centers like the one in Stevenson Ranch JUST oustide of city limits lure Santa Clarita residents to spend their money, it hurts the city in that it doesn't get a dime off of the sales tax generated.

To be noted, there is talk that the fitness center built at this new development would be that of the Santa Clarita Athletic Clubs. They would demolish their current facility located off of Calgrove and Wiley Canyon Road in order to establish the new fitness center.

All of this would have to be ran by the Planning Commission and then the City Council. Both the commission and the council have been pro-growth, so long as it fits within their vision of what Santa Clarita should look like. There are some concerns with the proposed development, such as it lying within a flood zone of sorts. There is also a Mobile Home Park sitting to the north of the Mule Ranch, I wonder if that will present a problem?

I look forward to seeing conceptual plans and more details in the future as things become more clear!


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