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Monday, April 03, 2006

Santa Clarita Planning Commission Hits Pavement

On Tuesday April 4th 2006, the Santa Clarita Planning Commission will hit the road and see first hand in a group setting to explore what type of improvements can be made to the Sierra Highway corridor starting from San Fernando road up to and as far as Sand Canyon road.

The commission and city council have received complaints at some of their meetings that western parts of the city have received more attention than the east side. In effort to clean up Sierra Highway, the planning commission is hoping to pin-point problem areas and make them a focus. Dennis Ostrom, planning commissioner for Santa Clarita was quoted as saying efforts along Sierra Highway need to "refocus and revitalize without (establishing) a revitalization zone."

There is a revitalization project under way for the "Downtown" Newhall area. Many Santa Clarita residents would like to see the same thing done with many areas of Canyon Country. The zone so to speak for the Newhall area is much smaller in size than that which would have to be created for Canyon Country. So it will just have to take a concerted effort on our city's part to stay on top of business owners, industrial companies, and HOA's to do their part in helping beautify the area in focus. Attracting new businesses and amenities to this area to better serve the "east side" is also important.

Watching a town hall meeting recently on Public Access TV, one where all of the candidates of the April 11 2006 election were in attendance pitching their objectives "if" elected, it was pointed out that residents in Canyon Country (east side) don't even have a place to go buy books, unless they want to go to Cosco, or get a "romance novel" at the local grocery store. Valencia enjoys 3 book stores, Barnes and Noble, Boarders, and a B. Dalton located at the Valencia Town Center.

It may very well be that Canyon Country has seen a lack of "newer" development in recent years proportionate with other parts of Santa Clarita, but I feel that is changing. Part of the change will come with developments in coming years that include the completion of the Cross Valley Connector. This will bring more commerce to Canyon Country area businesses, which will mean more money in local business owners and retail centers pocket books, which then in turn allows them to expand their business and make improvements, some that we may be able to see in the form of better curb appeal at what are now slightly blighted strip malls, graffiti, broken signs, and all.

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